Gone are the days when a small business owner could walk down to their local bank, have a lovely chat with their banker, and walk away with a loan to keep their business afloat. For many of us, those days never existed. The banks we’re familiar with are large...
Let’s take a look at the state of commercial real estate in 2024 against a backdrop of 2023. With a focus on staving off inflation, the FED repeatedly increased rates in 2023. As an era of ready capital ended, the commercial real estate space has and will continue to...
With the holiday season officially underway, economists are gazing into their crystal balls to see what the future holds. What can you expect to see in 2024? Answers vary, but you’ll be hearing the phrase “soft landing” a lot over the next few weeks regarding...
Equity is what your business is worth after all its assets and liabilities are calculated. Investors look at your business equity when deciding whether or not to invest in your company. Lenders look at your business equity when deciding if you qualify for a loan. You...